Cos'è che li fa MUoverE ?

Chi avrebbe detto che una attività così semplice e spontanea - si cammina prima ancora di connettere verbo- poteva determinare una occasione di aggregazione, il ricostituirsi di antiche frequentazioni,risvegliare la voglia di stare insieme e condividere le emozioni di piccole avventure.Eppure guardateli con gli zaini in spalla ripieni di sorprese, attrezzature più o meno consone alla bisogna - animati da spirito di conoscenza, inerpicarsi per boschi e pendii alla scoperta del mondo che li circonda.

Ed allora ci si chiede cos'è che li spinge ad andare ed andare ed andare, cosa cercano, quali le motivazioni.Come al solito è meglio non porsi mai troppe domande:le risposte potrebbero essere deludenti banali scontate.....volgari! Lasciamoli camminare....Non ci interessa dove e perché.

Ci preme che vadano, che vadano ma che vadano pure a...Ecco, appunto!

Brahamana V sec. a.c - Indra esorta Rohita

Non c'è felicità per chi non viaggia, Rohita!
A forza di stare nella società degli uomini,
Anche il migliore di loro si perde.
Mettiti in viaggio.

I piedi del viandante diventano fiori,
la sua anima cresce e dà frutti,
ed i suoi vizi son lavati via dalla fatica del viaggiare.
La sorte di chi sta fermo non si muove.
Allora vai, viaggia, Rohita!
Indra esorta Rohita - (dai Brahamana V Sec. a.c.)

lunedì 7 novembre 2011


Many years ago I had the venture to share for about 9 months a large villa in Bethesda, Maryland, with four other guys: each of us coming from different regions and staying there for different time and reasons.

I was not so young - about 30 years old - but at that time  I was still in a "growing phase" :
I was still looking for my way.....and someone can say I'm still there!,

Gus was the referrer  of the house: he had the duty  to take contacts  with the owner, to collect loans money, take the house maintenance,  but mainly  - and it was his mania  - take the house clean!  The "Clean Mania".
He came from Lebanon - at that time hardly involved with palestinian issues - and he liked my dresses:
he was fashinated by the Italian fashion! I believe he tought it was my only "quality"....

Another guy - George, if I remind his name - was a musician and lived in the basement.
He plaied drums and he was often out of town for long period, so I never had any kind of  relation with him.

The most familiar person in the house was Bruce. He carried a curly rich black hair, was coming from Baltimore to work for  WWF in WA-DC.
Every week-end Lisa, his girl friend, came to the house and for 24 hours the activity in their room  were disclosed only by the continuuos jubilee screams.....

Bruce was nice with me.
I was very poor with the language and without any friend there, so he tried to involve me in some activities.
Once we went to a Bruce Springsteen concert - one of my very few - and I was excited of the atmoshere,  by the music, and ... the grren flavor!;  one other he brought me to his parent's house in Baltimore, where I met his mome and one of his friend David, candidate to a local administrative election.
Their was an Hebraic community and I appreciated their warmness and friendship they dedicated to me.

Once came back in Rome, we had the chance to mantain contacts and I could meet him again when he came for a WWF conference in Rome. Few years later in 1996 I did a long journey all over the States with my family, and I met Bruce again in WA just for a while.

Since than  we lost any contact without any specific reason, perhaps just the distancy, but after 15 years
thanks to Internet he was able to reach me and now we can share again a little of our life.

Surly this is not an exciting story and many people experimented the same situation, but let me say
that I was really glad to hear again from my friend and know that someone in the world can think of you.


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